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MCI Screening Test | NEXT Exam | MCI Coaching | How to Pass 1st attempt

MCI Screening Test or FMGE exam of Medical Council of India | NEXT Test or National Exit Test | MCI Coaching | How to pass in 1st chance.


What is MCI Screening Test or NEXT exam?

Latest news related to MCI Screening Test or FMGE exam

  1. The government of India has abolished the MCI Screening test or FMGE exam (Foreign Medical Graduates Examination) of Medical Council of India. This FMGE test was treated as a Licensing exam exclusively required for Indian students studying abroad.
  2. From now on, all MBBS students studying either in India (Government college or Private) or in any college/university in any country abroad will have to clear one uniform Licensing exam known as NEXT.
  3. Rules regarding NEXT has not been formulated yet (as on 31.03.2018). It may be more or less similar to the previous FMGE exam.

Details of the previous MCI Screening Test

  1. The examination held twice a year.
  2. NBE conducts this screening test only in the English language on behalf of Medical Council of India.
  3. There will be 300 multiple choice questions (MCQ) of a single response type in the paper (divided in two sittings of 150 qs each).
  4. There is no negative marking.
  5. An applicant will pass only if he/she obtains a minimum of 50% of marks in the examination.
  6. NBE will display results (pass/fail) for eligible candidates on their website and the office of NBE.
  7. There is no provision of review or re-totaling.
  8. The applicants who qualify the Screening Test may apply to the Medical Council of India, New Delhi, or any State Medical Council for provisional/permanent registration.
  9. There are no restrictions on the number of attempts that can be availed by an applicant.

Eligibility Criteria for MCI Screening Test

The applicant must meet/fulfill the following criteria.

  1. He/she is a citizen of India.
  2. The candidate has primary medical qualifications, recognized by the Government of that country issuing that qualification.
    The said medical school must be listed in the WHO directory of medical schools as well as in MCI approved list in the year of admission.
  3. From 15.03.2002 and onwards, all students are required to obtain an Eligibility Certificate from MCI to study MBBS abroad. But students who have taken admission in Foreign medical college in the year 2013, will not require any Eligibility Certificate.
  4. Students admitted in the period 2014 to 2018 May will require this Eligibility Certificate.
  5. Rule of this Eligibility Certificate also abolished for students going abroad on or after 1st June 2018. NEET qualified mark sheet is enough for their Eligibility.

How can you clear the MCI SCREENING test / NEXT exam in your 1st attempt?

Students studying in China will always have the advantage to clear the MCI test / NEXT test in the 1st attempt. Please see the reasons below.

The MBBS syllabus in China is same as in India

  1. The syllabus in China is precisely similar to India.
  2. You have to buy the books from India.
  3. Most of the Universities in China follow the same Indian author's books.
  4. Like B. D. Chaurasiya, K. D. Tripathi, Panikar, A. K. Jain, I. B. Singh, etc.
  5. So you will not have to study anything extra for the MCI test.

Final revision in the 5th Year is required.

  1. The test questions are two sets.
  2. One set depends on the practical aspect, hospital case study. Anyone can score 75% marks in this set of questions.
  3. But another set of questions is based on the theory part. Students study the theory part in the 1st year, 2nd year, and 3rd year. Now when you reach the 5th year, it is evident that you will forget the details of 1st year, 2nd year, and 3rd year, especially definitions, measurements, drug calculations, etc. Suppose you scored 85-90% in History in Class 10 exam, but you won't be able to answer a single qs of history now. The same thing may happen when you reach the 5th year.
  4. So what will you do? You will study once more the textbooks of 1st year, 2nd year, and 3rd year in the final 3 - 4 months of the 5th year.



MCI Screening Test Coaching

  1. We have a tie-up with a few reputed coaching institutes in India who specialize in MCI test / NEXT test coaching. They will provide you online coaching and will conduct several online mock tests with a set of 5000 questions.
  2. This helps you to understand the pattern of question and secondly in which subject you are still weak a bit. These coaching centers generally charge Rs 15000 - 20000 for the whole four months of coaching online. You will be able to do all these things while you are in China only.

How will you study MBBS in China?

  1. When you are studying MBBS in China, you must try to attend all classes 100%. Give all the exams properly, taking no unfair means to pass.
  2. If you make a target of scoring a minimum of 70% marks in all the semester exams, then you will surely clear the MCI test / NEXT test in once chance. Just remember to study the textbooks once more in the final three months.

Which Universities have the maximum MCI Screening Test pass percentage?

In recent years the following Universities in China have the maximum pass percentage in MCI Screening Test. Either 100% or near to 100% students of these below mentioned Top 3 Universities have cleared MCI Screening Test.





medical council of India mci screening test or fmge exam

Best MBBS Abroad Consultancy

Omkar Medicom is the best consultancy for MBBS in China for Indian students. We admit in 36 MCI approved Medical Universities in China.
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